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The National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) will host a virtual public meeting on September 28, 2021, from 11:00 to 1:00 p.m. ET to discuss the strategy and planning for the National Special Pathogen System and other high priority issues related to national public health emergency preparedness and response.
Additionally, the NBSB invites those who are involved in or represent a relevant industry, academic institution, health profession, health care consumer organization, or state, tribal, territorial, or local government to request up to 7 minutes to address the board in person via Zoom. The NBSB is interested in hearing perspectives on national biodefense and health security-related issues and priorities. Requests to provide remarks to the NBSB during the public meeting may be sent to NBSB@hhs.gov. Please include the name of the speaker, organization, and a full explanation of the intended comments. Please submit your request by 5PM ET on September 24, 2021.
Members of the public may attend the meeting via Zoom teleconference, which requires pre-registration, and may provide written comments, submit questions to the NBSB, and provide comments after the meeting by email to NBSB@hhs.gov.
The NBSB is inviting key stakeholder groups to address the Board and share their ideas on issues related to national biodefense, health security, and emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. The NBSB invites those who are interested to request up to 7 minutes to address the board in person via Zoom.
Meetings of the NBSB are open to the public.
All members of the public are encouraged to provide written comment to the NBSB. All written comments must be received prior to the meeting date, and should be sent via the NBSB Contact Form or via email to nbsb@hhs.gov