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Due to the nationwide response to COVID-19, ASPR updated or waived several Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Cooperative Agreement reporting requirements to reduce burden and provide greater flexibility to recipients. This page includes a comprehensive list of both current and archived cooperative agreement flexibilities. Please use the links below to be routed to the appropriate section:
The following table1 provides a brief snapshot of FY 2020/budget period 2 (BP2) changes (please refer to the PDF version here). Additional flexibilities will be considered throughout the year, as needed. For more detailed information, see the HPP Cooperative Agreement FY 2020/Budget Period (BP) 2 Requirement Updates PDF. You may also refer to the HPP Cooperative Agreement BP2 Recipient Reporting Requirements PDF for a full list of requirements.
All HPP cooperative agreement recipients needed to submit the remaining components of the FY 2020/BP2 continuation application package no later than Monday, June 29, 2020 at 11:59 PM EDT. They included th
Optional attachments:
Recipients needed to submit their application documents in a Grant Note via GrantSolutions.gov. They were asked to contact their assigned ASPR grants management specialist for assistance and questions regarding the submission of the FY 2020/BP2 non-competing continuation application in GrantSolutions. The FY 2020/BP2 start date was July 1, 2020. All awards were subject to the general terms and conditions, budget conditions, and special programmatic terms and conditions following the review of the continuation applications.
To learn more, see our information about additional Ebola cooperative agreement funding.
ASPR issued additional guidance regarding the submission of the work plan and budget narrative/justification for the National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center (NETEC), HPP Ebola Part B, and HPP cooperative agreement COVID-19 administrative supplement awards. For each respective program, recipients were given the flexibility to submit a consolidated work plan and budget narrative/justification for the two COVID-19 administrative supplement awards instead of a separate work plan and budget narrative/justification for each COVID-19 administrative supplement award. Recipients needed to submit the consolidated work plan and budget narrative and justification in a Grant Note in GrantSolutions by Wednesday, July 15, 2020. Recipients could have used the Optional Work Plan Template. If recipients formerly submitted the work plan and budget narrative/justification for the initial COVID-19 administrative supplement award, they were asked to submit the work plan and budget narrative and justification for the second administrative supplement award in a Grant Note in GrantSolutions by Wednesday, July 15, 2020Note: HPP did not require that the second work plan and budget narrative and justification be inclusive of the first work plan and budget/narrative/justification; however, recipient were asked to clearly indicate if the second work plan and/or budget narrative/justification is a complete replacement.
Recipients were given the flexibility to submit a consolidated application for the two COVID-19 awards. Recipients needed to submit the application by Wednesday, July 15, 2020. Recipients were required to submit:
The Approach and Work Plan and Budget Narrative and Justification could have been consolidated for the two COVID-19 awards instead of providing a separate Approach and Work Plan and Budget Narrative and Justification for each COVID-19 award. If recipients had formerly submitted their application for the initial award, including the approach and work plan and budget narrative/justification, they were asked to submit the funding distribution plan, approach and work plan, and budget narrative/justification for the second award by Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Note: If you had formerly submitted your application for the initial award, HPP did not require that the second approach and work plan and budget narrative/justification be inclusive of the first work plan and budget narrative/justification; however, recipients were asked to clearly indicate if the second approach and work plan and/or budget narrative/justification is a complete replacement.
1 Jurisdictions must contact their HPP Field Project Officer to request extensions.
2 (BM): These are benchmarks that ASPR identified for Fiscal Year 2020/ Budget Period 2 that are also consistent with those outlined in the FY 2019-2023 HPP FOA as required by section 319C-2(i) of the PHS Act (which refers to section 319C-1(g)).
3 BM8 has been suspended until further notice.