Step 1: Prioritize and Scope
- Risk management strategy
- Organizational objectives and priorities
- Asset inventory
- Informative Reference(s)
- Organization determines where it wants to apply the Informative Reference(s) to evaluate and potentially guide the improvement of the organization’s capabilities
- Threat analysis
- Business impact analysis
- System categorization (based on sensitivity & criticality)
- Usage scope
- Unique threats
Step 2: Orient
- Usage scope
- Risk management strategy
- Informative Reference(s)
- Organization identifies in-scope systems and assets (e.g., people, information, technology, and facilities) and the appropriate regulatory and other authoritative sources (e.g., cybersecurity and risk management standards, tools, methods, and guidelines)
- In-scope systems and assets
- In-scope requirements (e.g., organizational, system, regulatory)
Step 3: Create a Target Profile
- Organizational objectives
- Risk management strategy
- Detailed usage scope
- Unique threats
- Informative Reference(s)
- Organization selects one or more Informative References and creates a tailored overlay based on a risk analysis that considers the unique threats identified in the prioritization and scoping phase
- Organization determines level of effectiveness or maturity desired in the selected controls
- Target Profile (Tailored overlay of one or more Informative References)
- Target Tier
Step 4: Conduct a Risk Assessment
- Detailed usage scope
- Risk management strategy
- Target Profile
- Informative Reference(s)
- Perform a risk assessment for in-scope systems and organizational elements
- Risk assessment reports
Step 5: Create a Current Profile
- Risk assessment reports
- Informative Reference(s)
- Organization identifies its current cybersecurity and risk management state
- Current Profile (Implementation status of selected controls)
- Current Tier (Implementation maturity of selected controls, mapped to NIST Cybersecurity Framework Implementation Tier model)
Step 6: Perform Gap Analysis
- Current Profile
- Target Profile
- Organizational objectives
- Impact to critical infrastructure
- Gaps and potential consequences
- Organizational constraints
- Risk management strategy
- Risk assessment/analysis reports
- Informative Reference(s)
- Analyze gaps between Current and Target Profiles in organization’s context
- Evaluate potential consequences from gaps
- Determine which gaps need attention
- Identify actions to address gaps
- Perform cost-benefit analysis (CBA) or similar analysis on actions
- Prioritize actions (CBA or similar analysis and consequences
- Plan to implement prioritized actions
- Prioritized gaps and potential consequences
- Prioritized implementation plan
Step 7: Implement Action Plan
- Prioritized implementation plan
- Informative Reference(s)
- Implement actions by priority
- Track progress against plan
- Monitor and evaluate progress against key risks using metrics or other suitable performance indicators
- Project tracking data
- New security measures implemented